About PCA.
Established in 1996, the PCA is a platform for ICT companies based in and operating from Lebanon. Since its inception, the PCA has never faced so much challenges and opportunities. With the tremendous changes that occurred in the past few years and the dramatic transformations in the business models at all levels, the PCA had to adapt by creating new dynamics that tackled successfully the new Lebanese ICT business paradigm From "Termium" (the leading ICT exhibition in the Levant) to the "Golden Chip Awards" and from "the Strategy for e-Lebanon" the PCA has consistently addressed business, community and policy issues baring in mind two simple things: the National Interest and the Members Interest.
The President.
1. President of the Professional Computer Association of Lebanon (PCA), elected five years ago (Third Mandate).
2. President of the ICT Federation (ALMA).
3. Secretary General of the Arab Internet and Telecom Union (ARISPA)
4. Board member of the Arab ICT Union (AICTU) Bahrain
5. Member in the board of Trustees (LITS)
Last but not least, my deep understanding of the business requirements combined with a solid technical experience can bring value to any organization.
PCA History.
No effort has been spared to promote Lebanon as a regional hub for ICT both locally and abroad, no effort has been spared to find and help Lebanese talent and creative youth, no effort has been spared to give to Lebanese rural areas the means to become players in the Information Society and proactively fight the digital divide.

First Step.
However, PCA has considered "bridging the digital divide" as being one of its major activities, especially during the last two years. In fact, we truly believe that bridging the digital divide is the entry point to bridging all the other divides such as health divide, educational divide, governmental divide and of course the economical divide.

The interests of our members have always been our prime concern. Multiple programs have been implemented to help Member companies get exposed to International Quality Standards, Clustering Techniques, Intellectual Property Rights, etc … as well as helping them to get International Market exposure through various Trade Shows, Trade Delegations, Business Matching Workshops and Export Facilities.

New Era.
Furthermore, the PCA has gained International Recognition and Regional Momentum through its active participation in task forces and workgroups where we always defended our National Interest and our Members Objectives.
But despite all achievements and recognition, we cannot claim that we have done all. Actually, we are still in the beginning of a long road that will hopefully take us to the frontiers of the Digital Society to become major players in this part of the World.

PCA: The Power of Unity.
The year 1996 witnessed the formation of the Information and Communications Technology Industry cluster in Lebanon under the name of "PCA". Three major common objectives were behind the success of the initiative to bring ICT companies, operating in Lebanon, closer together under the framework of the PCA:
The PCA provides to ICT industry players in Lebanon a forum for brainstorming, communication and interaction through which several initiatives have been successfully launched. Moreover, the PCA is well established as the interlocutor between the ICT sector and the Lebanese government, working together on improving the legal and communications infrastructures in Lebanon.
The big challenges facing the ICT sector in our country should be turned into the opportunity for the Lebanese to reconfirm their position as successful, innovative and hard working business people. Growing and strengthening the ICT sector should also present an occasion to help recover our national economy and improve the quality of life for our people and future generations.
The democratic structure of the PCA, our members' unity and maturity as well as the experience the PCA built over the past few years in handling and dealing with public affairs are the main drivers for confidence in the PCA's ability to deal with its challenges. The PCA has one direction to take: Forward.
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One of the major activities of the PCA is to organize Lebanese ICT Exhibitions and to participate in the regional ICT trade show: GITEX – Dubai, in order to organize Lebanese Pavilions. We successfully organized several edition of TERMIUM and Lebanese Pavilions in GITEX.
TERMIUM is a five days event /exhibition. It usually groups more than 300 ICT companies and attracts more than 30,000 visitors. The visitors include the general public as well as the ICT community.
GITEX - Dubai is a regional exhibition, where the PCA has organized in two consecutive years the Lebanese Pavilion and it has been a great triumph for the Lebanese ICT sector.
Camille Moukarzel President

Camille Moukarzel

Jalal Fawaz

Gabriel Deek